Saturday, February 2, 2013

BBPP 1103 What is Management Topic 1.1

1.4.1 Classcial Perspective

Scientific Mgt
The concept come into being during Industrial Revolution and the focus was on mass production. Consequently, there was a need in systematic process. Then came the time & motion study which was part of determining ‘one best way’ to get a job done. Among first writers of classical mgt were Taylor,  Frank dan Gilbreth dan Henry Gantt.
Bureaucratic Mgt
Max Weber  introduced mgt based on guidelines, hierarchy, clear divison labour and SOPS. Bureaucracy is important in all org. the weaknesses is when it involves rigid personality and is nor flexible.
Administrative Mgt
Focus on the org as a whole. The emphasised was on org principles and admin functions. This may be perceived as an extension of bureaucratic mgt where SOPs and policies were intoduced to asst mgt and administrators in daily activities / routine. Pioneers were  Henry Fayol, Mary Parker Follet dan Chester Benard.

You may observe that classical perspective  focused on output only. During that time child labors and slavery were abundant in England and America. Employees wellbeing was not in their vocabulary until during French Revolution that they realized their mistakes. This is the main different with the Islamic concept. The prophet said that you must pay your employee before his sweat dries. That was in 610 AD as compare to this theory introduced in 20th century. Poor management, long working hours and child labors in UK caused the formation of employee union, (trade union) and eventually it became a very strong political party ie the Labour Party.

1.4.2    Human Perspective
a.         Human relations movement. between 1927-1932, Elton Mayo dan Fritz Roethlisberger conducted one famous experiment called Hawthorne Experiment. Their findings:
·         Productivity increases bcoz of special treatment fm the mgt
·         Gp pressure also effect a persons behaviour
·         Gp qualiy is impt
·         Human are complex & influential input to determine performance of an org

b.         HR Approach. Producitivity will improve if employees are satisfied and basic needs are met.

Abraham Maslow introduced the  motivation theory of hierarchy of needs. Where human needs increases situationally. In our case, workers are never satisfy!

Douglas McGregor introduced Theory X dan Y. Human beings have different attitude with regards to task and responsibilities and the job itself. X is the ‘lazy’ type. if u have time look for  Theory Z.

1.4.3    Quantitative mgt approach
a.         Management science.   managing / making decision mathematically. At times this method is better such as for performance management or appraisal system. 
b.         operation mgt. more appropriate for manufacturing industry. Has to do with production management dan project management. 
c.         MIS. Making decision with the sp of ICT.

1.4.4    Contemporary Approach

a.        System Theory. A system comprises of closely related sections that function to achive a single obj. This incl input, process, output, feedback n environment.

b.        Contingency approach. A manager depends on the main contingencies in an org’s situation.

During the recent economic recession, Dr Mahathir decided to peg RM to USD at 3.8 and that was totally against any economic theory found in the literature. However this action saved the country and it became famous case studies for economist.

Dr Mahathir was angry because the drop in value has no relation to Msia economy structure. There was no disaster, war, or industry incident to support the drop in the ringgit value.