Saturday, February 2, 2013

BBPP 1103 Planning Topic 2



  1. what is planning
  2. Planning process
  3. type of planning
  4. strength and weaknesses of making plan

What is planning
1.    Lewis et al, 2001
Determine obj, decide on actions

2.    Certo, 2000
Proposal of action to achieve org obj

3.    Rue & Byars, 2000
Process to determine obj & action to be taken

4.    Robbins, 1996
Defn of obj, formation of strat & action plan to coord org activities

5.    Bartol & Martin, 1994s
Process of determining org obj & making decision d best way to achieve them

Effective planning
·         Determine obj

S.M.A.R.T. Specific, Measurable, Achievable/attainable, Realistic, Timely
Khusus, Boleh di ukur, Boleh dicapai, Realistic, Dlm masa tertentu
·         Building individual commitment

·           Determine obj by coop with all members,
·           Reasonable obj
·           Announcement of obj to all,
·           Support from top mgt

·         prepare action plan

·         monitor progress

·           determine long & short term obj
·           obtain performance feedback
This is already a function of control

Plan: type

  • Description
  • Bundget
  • Graphics
  • Strategic plan
  • Tactical plan
  • Operational plan
  • One time usage
  • Standing plan

Please read the text book and understand fully. But this may not come out in the exam because your assignment is based on this sub topic. If it comes out, and you have done your assignment yourself, it will help.

Str and weaknesses of planning [ advantages  & disadvantages]


·         Generate intensive effort

·     Restrict changes, creativity, innovation & initiative in the org
·         Continuous effort

·     Bounded / binded by the approved plan [rigid] bcoz of budget, logistic & policy
·         Clear sense direction [hala tuju yg jelas]

·     Separation between planner & implementer / workers
·         Estb work strategy

·     Obj & achievement is overtaken by event [unrealistic obj]
·         +ve impact on individual & org

·     Doesn’t assume / consider future uncertainties

So, the question is….do you need to plan or not? Remember the Indian saying, ‘only dead fish flow with the water’. So if u people just follow the system, u r dead fish too! But the fish didn’t fight the flow, it just use its energy to stay around the same place in the river.

Of course we need to plan. Now that we know the weaknesses of having a plan, WE MUST overcome these weaknesses.

How do we overcome the weaknesses of plans?  ….another exam question!

1.    We have to be flexible
2.    Have constant / periodical review of our plan
3.    Get everybody involve [it is called participative management]
4.     Review our obj