Saturday, February 2, 2013

BBPP 1103 What is Management Topic 1

Mgt defn
process of overseeing & coord resources efficiently & effectively in line with the goals of the org.

1.2.1    Mgt Function
1.    Plan

2.    Organise
Allocation of responsibilities & resources.
3.    Lead
Influence others to get the job done, maintain morale, manage conflicts etc tru appropriate ldr-ship style.
4.    Control
Ensure job done according to plan, & taking corrective action or modify plan accordingly.

Mgt process at all level involve these 4 functions. The whole module is based on these functions.

1.2.2    Managers’s Roles (Mintzbers’s Managerial Roles)
·         Figurehead           ceremonial duties, dept rep in formal functions.
·         Ldr                                   manager indirectly functions as a ldr
·         Liaison                  convey info to others outside his dept
·         Spokeperson      
·         Negotiator                        mgr spend lot of time negotiating for his dept
·         Initiator [innovator]
§  Entrepreneur process. Eyees given freedom to think like its their own dept. creative n innovative.
§  Competence building process (capability development process)
§  Renewal process (reformation process)

1.2.3    Managers’ Skills
·         Conceptual            ability to relate an issue with other matters. Some       term it as having holistic / helicopter view
·         Interpersonal        more of communication skills
·         Technical              have detail knowledge or/and skills of certain matters. But a GM who was an accountant or an engineer have good tech careful!

1.3       Types of Managers
·  Top                 ·   Middle                ·   First line

Top mgt

Middle mgt

1st line mgt
1.4      Evolution of mgt theory. mgt has improved tremendously in the last few decades and is still improving.  However, you may want to refer to the quran and sunnah and see how the islamic management concept is more holistic and fair in all intent and purpose. The islamic managememt concept was recorded as early as 650 yrs AD. The concept of QUALITY in islam is not only satisfying customer needs but must be accepted by syariah. A prostitute may give her/his best service to satisfy her/his customer but the service is not accepted by syariah. It is haram. So if I eat a fruit given by a man whose money is earned by gambling, the fruit is haram too! Is providing gambling service accepted by eastern value/culture? Today we are against cigarettes, in future we may ban gambling and liquor in our country. Human value change, quran never change.