Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Interfaith Discussion

According to the majority, all religion is the same. But mind you, they are not.

Many fall under blind faith. Blind!

In the time of technology, logical discussion, or whatever you may want to call, we need to understand our religion with logic. Logic is given priority in every discussion. legal political economy geography science.....but religion! Is religion logic or you just do like your parents used to do. You never question them?

Look at religion from the logical approach. Open your mind.

Logically speaking, all religion is NOT the same. O people of the book, please read and understand your holy book and make comparison with others. If it is not logical, then why do you say all religion is the same. They are not.

If it is not logic, and you keep on believing it, it is call blind faith. Do we still have people blindly obeying what our older generation do. Then he himself is not logical.

Word of Caution. A person may have an Islamic or a Christian name, but that does not indicate his religion. AND a person may be recorded as a Muslim, but he may not be a true Muslim. Therefore an act of a person or group do not reflect his or their religion. 

Killing of innocent people in Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, Bosnia, Tasmania, Palestine and elsewhere do not reflex his or her religion. 

If it does, which group of people from which religion that killed the most number of innocent people [statistically]? From the 12th century if you want to check.

Period. Logically speaking all religion is not the same.

P/S. This is just one aspect of day and night that we may want to ponder. Just to prove that all religion is not the same.