sila taip bbpp 1103 sept 2016
May 2015
I really love this assignment, almost similar or almost the same with last year. Type of structure and give your opinion.
Opinion on what? This is my biggest question here. What will be the base of your opinion or discussion. In term of its purpose? suitability? good or bad points?
It is very clear that you have to pick any company and see their structure. In Msia, this is very confidential. So you have to choose company from oversea.
REMINDER. Most company have combination of structure!
Faham soalan/keperluan
Pilih satu
contoh carta organisasi setiap satu untuk struktur fungsi, struktur geografi, struktur matriks dan struktur
produk daripada
laman web organisasi. Bincangkan pilihan anda berdasarkan
ciri-ciri setiap struktur.
Apa maksud ciri-ciri [features]
- Apa beza lori dgn bas
- Apa beza bas ekspres dgn bas dalam bandar
- Apa beza bas dua tingkat dgn bas biasa
- Apa beza bas dua tingkat ekspres dgn bas dua
tingkat pelancung KL
Ringkasnya - ciri-ciri yg berbeza ada banyak, tetapi kita hendak lihat beza
bahagian mana
Pernah dengar kisah orang MC. Sekali tahu cara nak MC, se umur hidup dia
akan MC. KESIMPULANnya, saya harap kita semua jangan cepat 'give up'.
The purpose
of this assignment is to develop learners’ ability to distinguish amongst the
different types of organisational structures used in organisations.
Tujuan tugasan ini adalah untuk membina keupayaan pelajar untuk mengenal
pasti perbezaan antara jenis-jenis struktur organisasi yang digunakan di dalam
Select a sample of organisational charteach for the
functional structure, the geographic structure, the matrix structure and the
product structure from organisation websites. Discuss each of your selection by
refering to features of each structure.
Pilih satu contoh carta organisasi setiap satu untuk struktur fungsi, struktur
geografi, struktur matriks dan struktur produk daripada laman web
organisasi. Bincangkan pilihan anda
berdasarkan ciri-ciri setiap struktur.
is organizational structure. you have to explain here...
organization has a very clear hierarchy structure. It is based on a very clear
line of communication between superior and subordinates or chain of command.
Functional structure is the most commonly used and applied by most organization [public and privates]. The structure is very clear in term of relationship, ie to whom you report or who is your superior, your colleague and your subordinates. It is also the basis of beaurecracy where every department is created based on its basic function. Example is Marketing Department. The main job of this department is doing marketing for the company.
The job function of each department and each individual is also very clear. Communication is also very easy.
Every departmant has its own leader normally termed as head of department or HOD. Some of the common functional departmement are:
Human resources
Finance and account
Each individual is an expert according to his job function. Recruitment, training and all career development is focused accordingly. However, due to current development, most organizations give emphasis to job enlargement, job enrichment, and multi-skiling. As a result, employees become all rounder, flexible, and able to work in other departments. Therefore, although an organization uses functional structure, the organization and employees are not that rigid.
Functional organization is effective in a single product or service. An example is a hospital, hotel or the Proton car manufacturing. The chain of command, ie the line or staff function is very clear. Each department has its own function towards giving the best service to customers.
Functional organization is also a source of motivation to employees because each employee understand his/her career path and career development in a very clear manner. At least they know some of the reasons how they can be successful or change their plan if they know they cannot achieve it.
satu lagi....amat penting! tampal kat sini structure functional yg diambil dari website. dari sykt yg betul2 wujud! JANGAN ambil dari buku text atau nota orang lain. ini assignment....bukan nota.
However, a large functional organization may become very bureacratic and the decision making process is slow. Employees or department may be self centered and as a whole, the organization is not very sensitive to changes.
between department can be a problem. In some organizations, only individuals
from certain department or skills can be promoted to the management level. This
culture creates problems. Bad leaders may also favors his old department only.
Jika anda dapat buat macam ini untuk setiap structure, saya rasa anda akan score....cumanya bagi setiap ayat di atas, perlu ada rujukannya. ia akan memudahkan pemeriksa untuk bagi markah tinggi.
anda kena sebut structure di atas sesuai mengikut keperluan keadaan dan objektif/strategy. tidak ada yg lebih dari yg lain. cumanya, bagi kebanyakan organisasi, struktur functional pasti wujud, dan struktur yag lain itu bergantung kpd keperluan. [dlm bahasa inggeris la beb]
tips akhir. tguk dlm buku teks anda, gunalah terminology yg ada di situ. contohnya structure bergantung kpd technology, strategy dan....Guna jgn tak guna. bold kan dia supaya pemeriksa tahu yg anda tahu. jgn lah kelabu asap sangat...
anda kena sebut structure di atas sesuai mengikut keperluan keadaan dan objektif/strategy. tidak ada yg lebih dari yg lain. cumanya, bagi kebanyakan organisasi, struktur functional pasti wujud, dan struktur yag lain itu bergantung kpd keperluan. [dlm bahasa inggeris la beb]
tips akhir. tguk dlm buku teks anda, gunalah terminology yg ada di situ. contohnya structure bergantung kpd technology, strategy dan....Guna jgn tak guna. bold kan dia supaya pemeriksa tahu yg anda tahu. jgn lah kelabu asap sangat...