Saturday, November 5, 2011

Merdeka Seksualiti

on the extreme side if I may, time will come when people will demand for right to have sex on the road side just like dogs. it is alreday happening on the moderate scale if we care to observe in our society. in the commuter is common sight.

the minority group is demanding for their right and if the political leaders dont come out with the new law, then we will face with more strange demands in future. This is Malaysia, we have different culture and values. We respect our parents, elders and leaders.

The western culture and value have brought them into a chaotic situation but the educated and learned influential individuals in this country are trying to be more popular by supporting all the stupid ideas under the sky.

Just because your spouse and children are not homesexual or lesbian or drug addicts then you support them [others] openly. But what if your son is a drug addict and demand from you to take drug because it is his right to do so?

All leaders.....please see things in a bigger picture! Legally you are right, but morally and taking into consideration of other aspects then you are completely wrong! Ive seen a person said to the judge that by trying to take own life, he may caused problem to the community. He then asked for max punishment. He never even ask the judge please take care the children of that single mother after she was put in jail!

See! few people see things from few angle only.