Friday, June 3, 2011

PEST analysis 3 How Do PEST effect us?

in PEST 2 I mentioned how they effect us. but now will go in detail [my view].


ECONOMY. my opinion, we will face high inflation very soon. it is coming to us already. people will demand for low price and increase in salary. imitation products will flow into the market. the price or cost of getting married or even death is so expensive, this will also effect our social. so much so, businessmen will move to kampung area or further away from big city to buy cheaper land. here come another problem. people at small town will start to suffer. maybe, very soon, we need to give focus to poor people too. to invest in poor people area is not economical. the return is damn slow. business will cater to all. do you need to have kopitiam catering to poor people. may yes! price is cheaper in every sense! same goes to supermarket, etc.

SOCIAL. demand for better service and reasonable price increases. we need to cater for this. what else. NGOs want better environment, human rights, animals rights, equal treatment, equal rights, social rights, etc. BUT community also want imitation VCD, gamble, drinks, karaoke, prostitutions......So? you decide. we also have an issue of SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY here. it is term as CSR. check it in google or wikipedia. talking about this, people introduce wikileaks. good businessmen aare very sensitive to the above matters.

TECHNOLOGY. technology helps us to expedite our process, service or production. it also helps us in the decision making process. one of the advantage of technology is reducing in the use of manpower. the disadvantage may include increase in overhead cost or capital cost and obselete technology. if we refuse tech, we may be left behind. this is the main effect of tech on us.