Saturday, July 5, 2014

Reject Shop

When reject shop first came to KL, the price of items in that shop was shockingly cheap. But today the price of those rejected items are even higher than 'approved products'. I'd like to suggest for them to change the name from reject shop to something else more appropriate with its price. Maybe HIGH PRICE REJECT SHOP is more appropriate.

Last week I visited one of this shop near Danau Kota up town in the same complex with PARKSON, [FESTIVAL CITY] my reaction was, "jom keluar, harga dia mahal bedil". So we went to the xxx Factory Outlet in front of that shop, my god! one rejected t shirt is selling at RM199.00. I thought it was a mistake. Check other items and it was more than 200.00 ringgit.

I like to inform you people, visit these shops for yourselves to confirm this. I am not joking!
Malaysian government and some NGOs tell us....we as consumers have power. Yes! All we have is power rangers. Why cant NGOs pressure the government instead. Just make simple comparison with reject shop and FOS in Europe or US. Yes we will investigate! He he he.

If the name of the shop is not appropriate with the price, is it not a very simple lie?