Wednesday, July 16, 2014

ISIS in Gaza

Who ever is this ISIS or IS, I think they are making an impact to everybody; Arabs and Israel alike. Again US is made as puppet to lead the strategy.

Those corrupted leaders and the terrorist state are feeling the heat already. They will come to your door step where ever you are. You cannot hide, even if you are in Amazon jungles or any parts of this world. 

Confidence level of HAMAS and IS is high. They already know their enemy. "Know" your enemy and win 1000 battles.

They have lived and survive your bombings. You have destroyed everything they own and love. Life is meaningless and only to Allah they seek peace of mind and soul.

The campaign against Vietcong is a good example. They marched more than 40km in one night, strike US bases and were gone like a ghost. They built networks of tunnel without any sophisticated equipment. They fought for reasons. Their mind is set.

Can you fight HAMAS and IS. Can you destroy every single individual and cell. No you can't.

You can highlight their atrocities in CNN and BBC and Hareetz, but it is not at par with what you have done. You've killed millions of people in the whole world. You destroy buildings, homes, and hospitals. You destroyed civilizations.

You will have to pay for it in the same way you did to them because UN is not effective.

God is fair, you all will face them sooner or later.

I pray they will be successful in returning back the land to the legally and rightful owners...people of PALESTINE.

BTW please read Surah Isra verse 4 to 7 in the Quran. Allah promise to the people of Israel and maybe it is happening now!

I dont support IS, but I hope IS will do justice to all terrorist states, ex-colonial states and their close allies.

YES [today is 4th Sept 2015] IT IS PROVEN NOW THAT ISIS OR IS is not going to save people of Palestine. I have doubts who are sponsoring them now? Arabs or Israel.