Monday, July 23, 2012

BBCM 4103 Factors: Rate of Paymemt of Salary Note 4

factors that influence the rate of payment of salaries. APA FAKTOR YG MEMPENGARUHI KADAR GAJI KITA

a.Knowledge, Skills, Ability and Other Characteristics
ringkasnya gaji bergantung kpd kepandaian kita. itu sebab berita harian hari ni cerita pasal sijil universiti palsu, semua nk tipu jadi pandai. selain kepandaian, sykt tenguk juga pengalaman, imej dan kemahiran.
b.Type of Entity
Payment rate of salaries will also depend on the type of business the organisation is engaged in. kalau keje swasta gaji besar, gomen gaji kecik. tapi kalau swasta haprak, lagi la kecik.
c.Trade union or Non-trade Union Status
biasanya Kesatuan ada kuasa tentukan kadar gaji kita.
d.Capital or Labour Strength
sykt yg mana kos buruh itu rendah, akan bayar gaji besar. contoh sykt komputer, pekerja dia sikit jer, tapi untung dia besar. tapi kalau buruh dia ramai mcm di kilang atau di estet, gaji pekerja dia rendah.
e.Size of Entities
Large entities will usually offer a higher rate of pay than smaller entities. An organisation will increase in size when demand for its products and services increases. On those higher sales, the organisation then makes higher profits and is thus able to pay higher salaries to its employees.
f.Management Philosophy
maknanya setengah towkay amat hormat pekerja dan bagi gaji besar, ada juga yg amat amat kedekut. ini lah falsafah pengurusan. kalau najib baik mcm sekarang dari dulu lagi..kan best!
g.Total of Compensation Package tadi kita faham, ganjaran kita bukan dlm bentuk duit saje, tapi mcm2. maknanya, gaji yg dibayar kita ambil kira juga segala kemudahan yg ada.
h.Geographical Location
Mudah jer, keje di KL JB penang, gaji tinggi. di Kedah, Ipoh...murah sikit. di kg lg murah.
i.Supply of and Demand for Labour
penawaran dan permintaan pekerja. kalau tak cukup pekerja, gaji mahal. cakap jer....sykt ambil bangla...lagi murah. tapi oleh keran abangla dah ramai sangat, gaji depa semakin rendah.
j.Company Profit
An employee in an organisation which has a high level of profit will have the opportunity to get a higher rate of pay.
k. Job Stability
As an employee, what do you hope to get from your organisation, apart from a commensurate pay? Naturally, you want job and income stability. The income guaranteed by your employer will allow you to support your family and pay for all your current and future needs.
l.Gender Differences
The gender factor is a main contributor to the problems of justice and fairness in payment of salaries. On average, men often earn higher salaries than women. Nevertheless, the gender gap in wage rate is not too obvious in Malaysia.
m.Period of Service and Employee Performance
In general, an increment in pay is consistent with one’s seniority in job rank, period of service and work performance.