Monday, July 23, 2012


Essay QuestionDescribe any five compensation dimensions of a compensation system.

ini soalan simple tapi susah jugak nak jawab! ada 8 semuanya, jawab 5 saja. kalau dlm exam dia minta 3 jer.

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a.Payment for Work and Performance
maknanya, kita dapat gaji bila kita dah kerja. ada bayar hari, minggu dan bulan. jumlah gaji yg kita terima bergantung kpd:  
  1. Needs for the specified job. KEPERLUAN KERJA TERTENTU.
  2. Results that meet or exceed the standards of quantity, quality or time. HASIL KERJA.
  3. Innovations that lead to the increase in productivity, loyalty, trustworthiness and a combination of some or all of these features. INOVASI ATAU KREATIVITI KITA.
b.Payment for Non-working Days 
Ini termasuk cuti bergaji, kursus, waktu rehat. Ini semua ditetapkan oleh undang-undang sebenarnya. Dlam akta jelas kita wajib cuti 10 hari setahun belum masuk cuti tahun. raya merdeka tahun baru hari pekerja hari agung dll.
c.Loss of Job Income Continuation Benefit
bukan semua sykt bagi, ia sebenarnya tertakluk kepada undang2 yg disebut sebagai benefit VSS. ada sykt yg ambil insuran utk ini. SOCSO pun boleh jugak, amat jarang sykt ambil insuran utk kita... Benda ni boleh berlaku kerana accidents, personal problems, work performances are some of the reasons that will cause a temporary cessation of employment or a permanent termination. 
d.Disability Income Continuation Benefit
When an employee suffers from a disability due to an illness or accident, he is unable to execute his tasks effectively. In addition to paying for daily living expenses, the employee also has to pay for the hospital bills.
Employee compensation, in the form of medical leave and short-term and long-term disability plans, exists to assist an employee who is incapable of working due to poor health.  RINGKASNYA SYKT AMBIL SOCSO.   
e.Deferred Income 
Ini mcm kemudahan pencen yg kerajaan baru perkenalkan utk pekerja swasta. ada juga sykt ygbagi gratuity.
f.Spouse/Family Income Continuation Benefit 
Employees with families worry that they will not be able to provide and care for and support their dependants in the event of their death or disability. To this end, certain plans have been created to provide the dependants with the financial means to go on if an employee dies or is incapacitated due to temporary or permanent disability.  
g.Health, Accident and Liability Protection 
Apart from income to sustain a comfortable lifestyle, income for products and services to heal an illness or disability is also of great concern to employees. Therefore, an organisation offers various insurance plans to assist employees in paying for their medical care and treatment.
h.Income Equivalent Payments    
Income equivalent payments are also known as perquisites or perks. Some of these special benefits are exempted from tax, and this is advantageous for employers and employees. Examples of special benefits are provision of credit cards, allowance to attend official meetings, subsidised food and childcare services.