Sunday, November 4, 2007


My colleague asked me, knowing the theory of Johari Window, how do I apply this in the company. Why? Because he observed there are so much break in communication in his company. Sometimes, just over small matters, things become very serious.

In this theory, there are things about you that you know and everybody know [Area 1]. There are facts that you dont now about yourself but other knows [Area 2]. Normally these are our enemies or our very close friends. There are facts about you and others but you keep it secret [Area 3]. This is just like an opposite of Area 2. And lastly [Area 4], facts that nobody know. Facts that nobody know that somebody is observing your company with the intention of buying over.

In actual fact, this is what transparency is all about and coupled with honesty and sincerity. Eventually it will result in warm and cordial relationship within the company.

As the Manager, I see you can take the following action to improve the communication among them.
1. Convince the management of your training program.
2. Conduct training to expose the matter [Johari Window] to all head of departments.
3. Conduct close door meeting between Head of Departments.
4. Conduct more programs and project so that there will be a lot of interaction among them.