Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Most of our employee today are clever. They are universities and colleges graduates. Most of them are three pointers in their CGPA. Although they lack working experience, they are hard working and are good learners. I wish this is true.

In our culture [Malaysian], most bosses prefer subordinates who are loyal. Loyalty has many meanings. In this particular situation, loyalty is one who doesn't question the boss. These are smart subordinates. Smart subordinates will get promoted faster.

Clever employee are those who have to work hard while the smarter ones are required to accompany bosses on the fairway. They normally T-off at around 3.00 pm.

Therefore it is pertinent that colleges and universities must expose to young graduates that life is not that easy out there. In most cases the smarter will have many clever graduates [officers and staff] working under them.

Once I told my senior officer that in an organization, there are mixture of personalities. Officers and soldiers with different background. Some are 'good' and some are 'bad'. We have to work with them. They are already part of us. We can't transfer the bad ones to other units. The problem will not be solved. An officer perceived as bad will also have a good element in him. We must exploit this good element in him. Use him to the advantage of an organization.

LESSON LEARNT. EQ is equally or more important than IQ. Read book on Rules of Work [Richard Templar] so that you know how does the system works. Secondly, there is no bad soldiers but bad officers.